HLAA is appointed for another term to serve on the Federal Communications Commission Disability Advisory Committee. Representatives are Lise Hamlin, director of public policy and Barbara Kelley, executive director as the alternate.

The World Report on Hearing is released on March 3, 2021, by the World Health Organization’s World Hearing Forum (WHF). HLAA is a member organization of the WHF.

Kevin Franck, Ph.D., is named chair of the HLAA Board of Directors at the March 5, 2021 Board meeting.  

The HLAA Board of Directors updates its position paper on Free Access to Automatic Captioning for People with Hearing Loss. (March 5, 2021). 

The Walk4Hearing spring Walks are held virtually with cities teaming up on June 12 and 13. The pandemic prevented in-person Walks.  

HLAA received permission from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to hold a virtual Externally-Led Patient Focused Drug Development Meeting on Sensorineural Hearing Loss on May 25. The result is a video and “Voice of the Patient Report available on hearingloss.org. In addition to sponsors of the meeting, more than 55 organizational partners are listed as those who support future therapies and solutions for people with hearing loss.   

The HLAA Convention to be held in person in San Diego is cancelled due to the COVID-19 health concerns. Instead, HLAA holds a virtual meeting, June 24-26.