HLAA prides itself on hosting the most communication accessible event in the country for people with hearing loss. The Convention is a place where it’s okay not to hear well, to ask for someone to repeat. But when it comes to presentations, you will hear more than you’ve ever heard before!



Captions will be displayed on the same screen as the speaker’s presentation slides using technology called 1Fuzion, developed by 1CapApp. Captions will simultaneously stream in English, but you can also view captions on your mobile device in several different languages. The link will be available in the mobile Convention app.



Hearing Loops

All sessions and breakout rooms will be looped – just flip your telecoil on and you’ll be “in the hearing loop.”


Sign Language Interpretation

Sign language interpretation is available for all plenary sessions and by request for workshops. All requests must be sent to convention@hearingloss.org by May 29, 2020.

This event really moved me and changed my life. R. R.