HLAA’s Live Newsroom Captioning Survey Analysis

HLAA conducted a survey of live news captioning in June.  We posted the results of that survey in the Learning from Our Members article published in the 2019 September/October issue of Hearing Life.

Gallaudet’s researchers at their 21st Century Captioning Disability and Rehabilitation Research Project (Captioning DRRP) conducted an in-depth qualitative analysis of HLAA’s survey.

The analysis encompassed a total of 534 open-ended user comments (out of over 900 responses) and shows that users explicitly call out numerous problems related to caption qualities, and their experiences with caption providers. Completeness problems were the top concern, followed by timing, and only then accuracy. Weather and emergencies were called out as particular areas of concern, as well. Consumer perceptions of caption providers, stations, and broadcasters overall were more negative than positive.

The analysis was filed with the FCC and the Captioning DRRP has given HLAA permission to post the filing on our website. Thanks are due to Dr. Christian Vogler, director of the Captioning DRRP, and his team for this analysis.