Table of Contents

My Initiation

By Barbara Kelley

I got a crash course in all things hearing loss and what it means to get peer support, good information and to help others live well with hearing loss.


We’re All on This Journey Together

By Erin Mirante

The efforts of chapters on the local level are integral to the mission of the whole organization


Those Were the Days

By Joan Kleinrock

A trip down memory lane with HLAA’s very first national chapter coordinator.

Self-help Begins with Mutual Support: The Value of Chapters to Rocky Stone

By Erin Mirante

No one believed in the power of chapters more than Rocky Stone.


Reasons for Joining an HLAA Chapter – Where It’s Okay Not to Hear Well

Just a few of the many reasons why chapters are such an amazing resource.

Ototoxic Medications: Is it Better to be Deaf than Dead?

Jane Biehl

A lesser known cause of hearing loss could be from the effects of some medications.

Nine Facts about Earwax

By Morgan Heinrich

Many people know that earwax can cause hearing loss, but maybe not how valuable it is.


Laughter Helps a Loss

By Jo Bailey

A smile and humor go a long way for people with hearing loss.

Thank You to Our 2016 Donors and Supporters

We simply couldn’t do this without you.

Hearing Aids Should Be Large – Not Small!

By Eugen Tarnow

Hiding our hearing aids means hiding our hearing loss. But why do we do that?

Celebrating Three Years of N-CHATT

By Lise Hamlin

N-CHATT is a network of consumer volunteers eager to learn and teach others about hearing assistive technology (HAT).This nine-month-long training includes an online community, webinars, and one in-person, three-day training. We hold our final meeting at the HLAA Convention each year.


Rev up Your Walk4Hearing Fundraising with Social Media

Ann Rancourt

Featured Products

Some of the latest technology for people with hearing loss!