Table of Contents


By Barbara Kelley

We live in the age where the Internet of ings—connecting one’s physical world to the digital world— rules the day. Today, more often than not, it’s technology that lets people with hearing loss experience those eureka moments.


SLC is the Place to Be!

By Niaz Siasi

HLAA2017 Convention is just a few months away. Are you ready?

The NAS Report: What is it and Why Should I Care?

By Dave Hutcheson

As far hearing health care goes, the times they are a-changin’


Tinnitus Issues and Answers for Consumers

By Douglas L. Beck

Dr. Beck helps us understand tinnitus and offers some solutions for making life with it a little more manageable


The Telecoil: Old? Yes. Outdated? No.

By Stephen O. Frazier

Telecoils have been around a long time, but that doesn’t mean they have lost their value.

Hearing Loss and Career Success: Refining Yourself, Your Career, and Your Social Network

By David C. Baldridge

Career success is a mindset and a lifelong journey in which hearing loss can impact every step of the way.

Fifteen Feet to the Microphone

By David Seligman

Finding humor in life and hearing loss leads a budding comedian to the stage. Or does it?

Advocacy: What’s Up with Title II? State and Local Government and the ADA

By Lise Hamlin

The ADA requires every municipality that has 50 or more employees to designate an ADA compliance manager to coordinate its efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under the ADA. This includes the investigation of any complaint brought to the ADA alleging noncompliance or alleging any actions that would be prohibited.


HLAA Central Virginia Chapter’s Advocacy Efforts Lead to New Hearing Loops in National Historic Landmark

By Larry Herbert

A signature building at Thomas Jefferson’s University of Virginia is now accessible to people with hearing loss thanks in part to a local HLAA chapter


HLAA Chapters: Wishing Valerie Stafford-Mallis a Joyous Retirement

Featured Products

Enjoy this sneak peek at some of the latest products and technology for people with hearing loss that you’ll see at HLAA2017 Convention.


By Ronnie Adler and Ann Rancourt

Letter to the Editor
