2020 July/Aug

Table of Contents

In this issue of Hearing Life, we focus on children and young adults with hearing loss. Featured on the cover is 14-year-old Katherine Pawlowski, who was the first Walk4Hearing ambassador when she was just eight years old. We catch up with Katherine and learn how she has continued her advocacy work. The Ida Institute’s Growing Up With Hearing Loss resource offers guidance and strategies for children with hearing loss. HLAA member David Seligman explains how simply checking a box about a healthy issue on a school application changed his life. Paige Stringer, founder of The Global Foundation for Children With Hearing Loss, shares her hope for global solutions to address hearing loss. The HLAA Austin Chapter offers tips on how they are attracting young adults and developing younger generation chapter leaders.
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Catching Up With Katherine Pawlowski

By Cindy Dyer

We catch up with Katherine Pawlowski to find out what she has been up to since she was named the first Walk4Hearing ambassador in 2014 at the tender age of eight.


A Note From Our Executive Director

By Barbara Kelley

Meet Young Man


Thoughts From Our Board Chair

By Richard Einhorn

Meditation and Mindfulness for Hearing Loss


By Lise Hamlin

The ADA and COVID-19


Growing Up With Hearing Loss

By the Ida Institute

The Ida Institute’s Growing Up with Hearing Loss resource offers guidance and strategies
for children with hearing loss.

Teen Music is Too Loud

By Einav Tsach

Einav, a sophomore at Walter Johnson High School in Bethesda, MD, explores the subject
of teens, loud music, and hearing loss for his school newspaper, The Pitch.


Deaf Characters Step Into the Spotlight

By Sharon Pajka

The portrayal of realistic characters with hearing loss benefits adolescent readers.

Honoring My Mentor with Volley4Sound

By Kelsey Brandin

An avid athlete honors her hearing specialist and mentor by creating Volley4Sound,
an event to raise awareness for people with hearing loss.

Shout It From the Rooftops: Kids Are Losing Their Hearing

By Eliana Rosenzweig

Younger generations are susceptible to noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), thanks to loud
music and other noise exposures, and lack awareness of measures that can be taken to prevent it.

A Checkmark to Remember

By David Seligman

Simply checking a box about a health issue on a school application changes the author’s life.

New Hope for Global Solutions to Address Hearing Loss

By Paige Stringer

The Global Foundation for Children with Hearing Loss has been involved in work at the
World Health Organization since 2015 to help raise awareness for hearing loss globally.


Averting the Dangers While Reaping the Benefits of COVID-19

By Michael A. Harvey

Psychologist Michael Harvey shares how this pandemic helped a patient improve the
quality of her life in a way that months of psychotherapy hadn’t.


By Walk Staff

2020 Walk4Hearing Locations

Chapters in Action

By Deb Deitz, Carrie Leising, and Anecia Lockhart

Amplifying the Next Generation of HLAA Chapter Leaders