One in seven Americans now has hearing loss. While new technologies can help people with hearing loss more successfully communicate, live and work, everyday products and services often are developed without the valuable input of these consumers and an understanding of their hearing accessibility needs. ICAAT – the Industry-Consumer Alliance for Accessible Technology – is the first to bring together industry and consumers with hearing loss.

ICAAT provides an easy, structured way for consumers and industry to connect, work together for mutual benefit and inspire better technology from the ground up. Industry representatives can enlist consumers with hearing loss in product research and testing activities and talk directly with consumers to learn when technology meets their needs and when it doesn’t. Consumers can engage in discussion groups and research and testing opportunities, as well as share user stories about technology experiences.

We hope you will join this first-of-its-kind online community of consumers with hearing loss and industry. You can access ICAAT at or by clicking “Explore ICAAT.”

Click image to explore the ICAAT website

A Message from HLAA Executive Director, Barbara Kelley

Spread the Word

Please help us spread the word about how ICAAT can inspire more accessible technology for people with hearing loss. This toolkit includes key information, sample posts, and graphics that we hope you and your networks will find useful for growing awareness of ICAAT on your digital/social media platforms. You can also use the graphics found here to accompany your posts.
ICAAT square social media imageICAAT Image
ICAAT landscape social media imageICAAT Image
Download about ICAAT PowerPoint fileIntroducing ICAAT



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ICAAT is funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR grant number 90REGE0013). NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).