Donate monthly. Be a faithful friend of HLAA.

Monthly giving is an easy and effective way to support HLAA and our efforts to provide information, advocacy and connection that empowers more people with hearing loss to thrive.

When you donate monthly and become a Faithful Friend, you join a special giving group dedicated to strengthening and expanding our HLAA community of support and prioritizing hearing health, accessible communication and affordable care – so that everyone with hearing loss can live better lives today, tomorrow and for generations to come.

Join us and help make lasting change.


Your monthly donation is a powerful investment that will …

Fuel knowledge.

Through targeted education programs, we provide crucial information to tens of thousands each day on hearing aids and other innovative technologies — empowering people to live their fullest lives with hearing loss.

Nurture community.

Our chapters dramatically enhance quality of life for people with hearing loss through connection — and by driving local initiatives on communication access in health care, scholarships for youth with hearing loss, the availability of hearing assistive technologies in public spaces, and other issues that directly impact daily life.

Shape positive change.

Every dollar you give supplies the means for our voices to be heard — in the workplace, at the local level and on the national stage. Our active advocacy includes speaking out before Congress, the Administration and other future-shapers. And it means being vocal in national discussions on access, inclusion and other topics affecting us all.

Give by mail.

Hearing Loss Association of America
6116 Executive Blvd., Suite 320
Rockville, MD 20852

Complete and include this form.

If you have any questions, please email us or call 301.657.2248.