HLAA has partnered with ResearchMatch to help find a cure for hearing loss!
ResearchMatch logo with words:  Difficult diseases have met their match."
ResearchMatch is a free online recruitment and education platform designed to promote the completion of clinical trials by matching people interested in research with researchers throughout the United States. Funded by the National Institutes of Health’s National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, ResearchMatch is disease-neutral and institution-neutral so that participants with and without health problems can be included and valued.

Get involved. Get Matched!

Trials Today

Trials Today on ResearchMatch is a quick and simplified way to search the thousands of studies available on ClinicalTrials.gov. Users only need to answer a few short questions to find a list of studies that may be of interest to them. Trials Today is a tool within ResearchMatch.org which is used to search for clinical trials, and is designed to help users figure out where to start in their research endeavors.