
Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) State Chapter Coordinators (“coordinators”) have experienced hearing loss themselves or have a spouse or child with a hearing loss and serve as volunteer leaders in their state. Appointed by the HLAA national office, they serve as key liaisons to HLAA chapters (chapters). They are an integral part of the HLAA team and make major contributions to the strength and development of the chapter network in their states.

HLAA hopes that the experience of being a coordinator provides an opportunity for achievement, recognition, personal growth, the sense of working to a person’s full potential, and an element of excitement and fun.

As with all HLAA leaders, coordinators:

  • work together with the HLAA national office, chapters and state organizations for the good of people with hearing loss
  • communicate regularly with the HLAA director of chapter development (herein referred to as director), the chapters within their purview, fellow coordinators in their state (if there are others) and state organizations
  • support chapter growth
  • grow HLAA membership through the Unified Membership Program
  • respect diverse points of view and communication preferences
  • identify and develop leaders

Addition Information Coordinators Need to Know

The following information guides and supports coordinators and appears in three parts: coordinator-related; chapter-related; and national-related. However, there is obvious overlap. The material can help coordinators formulate a plan for their state after evaluating the state’s circumstances, the time coordinators are able to give and what is most useful, practical, and beneficial to the chapters.


Please email the HLAA national chapter coordinator at chapters@hearingloss.org, or leave a message with a callback number at 301.657.2248. You can also address a letter to HLAA, 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 1200, Bethesda, MD 20814.

Last modified: January 2018