“Dear Abby” Thinks HLAA Chapters are Pretty Terrific

Dear HLAA Chapter Leaders and Members,
I was informed that this Saturday, February 10, Dear Abby’s syndicated column features a letter from someone with a hearing loss who is not adjusting well. Dear Abby recommends that the writer seek out an HLAA Chapter for support by visiting our website, hearingloss.org
We will prepare a slide on our website with Abby’s photo linking people to the Find a Chapter page. Let’s hope you have an uptick in inquiries. Let’s hope we are able to reach more people who need help and hope.
Congratulations on your good work in communities across the country. Dear Abby does not just make recommendations without a vetting process. Thank you for all your hard work, on your own time, to ensure that people know there is place where it’s okay not to hear well.
With appreciation,
Barbara Kelley
Executive Director
Twitter @Bkelley_HLAA