Join Me When the Stars Come out on September 23

Barbara Kelley Headshot

Barbara Kelley
Executive Director
Hearing Loss Association of America.
Follow Barbara on Twitter:

“Stargazing is a free, constantly changing show that allows for great conversation and bonding. It fosters inspiration and imagination, alleviates stress and increases happiness. More importantly, it’s an activity enjoyed by people of all ages in all parts of the world.” [Source: Google, of course!]

You might think I’m talking about the celestial skies sparkling with The Big Dipper, Ursa Major, Saturn and its rings–but I’m not. I’m talking about four shining stars of the documentary “We Hear You, Now Hear Us.”

Roxana Rotundo, Holly Cohen, Shari Eberts and Toni Iacolucci dig deep to share their experiences living with hearing loss for this first-of-its kind documentary. Register here to have a private screening of the film in advance of the Zoom Event. Then, join the Talkback with another star, Gael Hannan, who will lead a discussion with the film’s producers and stars.

I promise you great conversation, bonding and inspiration when the HLAA stars come out on September 23. Register now for this free, star-studded Zoom Event.

By the way, do you know there are free apps to stargaze? They’re really cool. You open the app, point your phone to the night sky and you can see better than through a telescope with clear identifications of what you’re seeing.

Let’s do some stargazing!

At all life stages, communication and good hearing health connect us to each other, our communities, and the world. Don’t let hearing loss limit you — early intervention can ensure that people with hearing loss are able to achieve their full potential. Learn more at

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