Table of Contents

The Evolution of Zac La Fratta

By Zac La Fratta

What would motivate a young man with a hearing loss to leave his chosen profession to become an audiologist?

100 Portland

By Zac La Fratta

100 Portland is an initiative to attract 100 young adults, ages 18-35, with hearing loss to come to HLAA Convention 2013 in Portland, Oregon, this June.

A Rose by Any Other Name: PSAPs vs. Hearing Aids

By Brad Ingrao

Here is a close-up look at those little devices advertised on TV and in magazines.

Come with Us to Portland to Learn, Explore, Discover, and Have Fun

By Nancy Macklin

Join us in Portland, Oregon, June 27-30 for HLAA Convention 2013. Early-bird discounts go until January 31, 2013. Register now!

HLAA Holds National Training for Hearing Assistive Technology

By Lise Hamlin

With this train-the-trainer approach, more people can get reliable information about helpful technology. 

With this train-the-trainer approach, more people can get reliable information about helpful technology.

By Ronnie Adler

The Often-Neglected Neck Loop

By tephen O. Frazier and Sally Schwartz

This incarnation of induction loop technology can turn a hearing aid or a cochlear implant into a versatile and sophisticated personal listening system.

Older People with Hearing Loss: Aural Rehabilitation Might be More Necessary than Ever

By Mark Ross

Simply giving a person who is elderly a hearing aid doesn’t always get to the heart of the matter of not hearing well.

Labors of Love

By Sally Edwards

Life doesn’t always go as planned, especially when a hearing loss interrupts the plans.

From the Executive Director’s Desk

By Brenda Battat

Equipment distribution programs.