Zoom Offers FREE ASR Captioning

HLAA is THRILLED that Zoom is offering free ASR captions for those who sign up with Zoom. Sign up here.

This is a huge win for our community of advocates and HLAA members. More than 48 million Americans experience hearing loss. Hearing loss impacts people of all ages. Today, due to COVID-19, we must all regularly use Zoom or other video conferencing platforms., Zoom is only one of several virtual platforms that our community uses to stay connected with friends and family whom we cannot see in person due to social distancing guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic. We want to see everyone who needs captioning online have access when they need it.

HLAA looks forward to working with Zoom and other virtual platforms to help our community of people with hearing loss stay connected. HLAA’s Board of Directors issued this position paper on March 5.